This is an awareness drive to awake people to boycott movie 'Jodhaa Akbar'.
The movie Jodhaa Akbar is a vile, vicious, and covert attempt by a mischievous producer/director from Bollywood (Mumbai) to make quick bucks by denigrating and vilifying the Hindu (Rajput) people. Sonia's (Antonia Maino) Congress government promptly banned 'Da Vinci Code' movie after Christians' protest, but this Secular (?) government is so insensitive about Hindus protest about 'Jodhaa-Akbar' !
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Shameful Hindus who throng to watch Jodhaa-Akbar, a film which glorifies Hindu hater Cruel Akbar, are worthy of getting killed by Terrorists!
The movie Jodhaa Akbar is a vile, vicious, and covert attempt by a mischievous producer/director from Bollywood (Mumbai) to make quick bucks by denigrating and vilifying the Hindu (Rajput) people.
It is a deliberate distortion and pure fabrication of Indian history to glorify Akbar the (so-called) Great in dignified and noble terms. In reality, Akbar, in order to become a Ghazi (a slayer of kaffir – infidel) had cut into pieces his Guru Raja Hemchandra Vikramditya who had taught him how to wield the sword.
In barbarity and brutality, Akbar was so vindictive and merciless that he captured Raja Hemchandra's aged father; and on refusing to accept Islam executed him!
Akbar's grandfather Babar founded the Mughal dynasty. Babar was a direct descendent of Timur Lane from his father Barlas Turk's side and of Chengiz Khan the Mongol from his mother's side.
Akbar was no less tyrant than Timur Lane and Nader Shah. Akbar had a victory tower erected with the heads of the captured/surrendere d army of Raja Hemchandra Vikramaditiya after the second battle of Panipat.
Akbar had ordered massacre of 30,000 plus unarmed captive Hindu peasants after the fall of Chitod on Feb. 24, 1568.
Akbar was the most ungrateful person on Earth. He is alleged to have killed Bairam Khan, his guide and mentor – a Muslim
Despite nearly five centuries of Muslim occupation of India, Rajasthan in 1567 CE was still almost entirely Hindu. Akbar infiltrated the area by marrying into Rajasthan's ruling houses and by steadily capturing various forts on the eastern fringe of Rajputana. But the senior house of Rajasthan, Rana of Mewar proudly refused any alliance with Mughals. Akbar's army started a campaign for Chitod in 1567. When Raja Jai Mal was killed by Muslim army, thousands of Hindu (Rajput) women performed Jauhar (self-immolation) . We hold Akbar guilty of murdering thousands of Hindu women. This was the THIRD JAUHAR IN THE HISTORY OF CHITOD.
It is also an affront to a secular but largely Hindu nation to show an alien Muslim king romancing with a Hindu girl. Akbar was in reality an opportunist, sadist, and immoral person. Officially, Akbar had 300 wives and he is also alleged to have 5000 concubines in his harem. How can such a libertine be considered to have loved his wife?
Hindu Rajputs are a very proud and chivalrous people. Their sacrifices are unparalleled in the annals of Indian history. This movie is a surreptitious attempt to depict Muslim rulers who were followers of a culture alien to the Indians, in a favorable role and demean their native Hindus subjects. This trend to depict Muslim rulers in a magnificent manner was set by K. Asif's movie Mughul-e-Azam. We feel that even after 60 years after Independence, Director Ashutosh Gowarikar of Jodhaa Akbar is still suffering from the Stockholm syndrome.
It will be worthwhile if some investigative journalists go deep and find out the background and credentials of producer of this movie Ronnie Screwvala and Writer Haidar Ali, the involvement of Muslim underworld in financing this movie and complicity of Censor Board. Indian people should be more vigilant. The campaign of vilification carried on by some anti-Indian groups from Mumbai motivated by a malicious design to malign Hindu people should be stopped forthwith.
Hindus will never be able to forget the atrocities committed on Hindus by alien Muslim rulers. The Islamic period of the Indian History was the most suffocating and genocidal period as far as Hindus are concerned. It is a well-known fact of Indian History that 17,000 Hindu girls, in order to avoid molestation at the hands of Muslim marauders, had committed Jauhar – self-immolation.
It is a matter of disgrace that Indian school books under the successive Congress governments have been hiding the truth and distorting the Indian History.
Medieval India's History was written first by Muslims and then by the British. Both tried their best to falsify India's History by portraying Hindus in a bad light. However, a more objective history of India is slowly being written today which documents the depredations and genocide by Muslim rulers - often based on facts given by Muslim chroniclers of these rulers.
Hindus are waking up from deep slumber slowly but surely. The angry demonstrations in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, New Delhi, Lucknow and Patna against the movie Jodhaa Akbar are an indication of the things to follow on all India level. The Hindus of today are determined that a more objective history be available which portrays their life, culture and contributions in an appropriate and factual manner. They are determined to restore the dignity to Hindu Dharma at any cost.